Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Fine Art

One day in the early '90s, I worked late.  About 8 PM I left the office and went nearby to a Rustler Steak House and had the salad bar for dinner.  I still had my tie on.  As I was eating I noticed a table with 3 young guys eating and laughing a lot.  After while they got up and left, and as they passed by my table, one of them dropped a paper napkin on my table.  I thought that was really rude.  They went on out.  Then I noticed something written on the napkin. I picked it up.  On the small folded part was written "MR. NECKTIE", with a drawing of a smiley face and a tie.  Well, I thought, thats kind of cute.  Then I opened up the napkin,and inside was this elaborate drawing of big curly hair and the words, "THE WIG KING".  I looked outside, and the 3 guys were standing out there watching me, very amused.

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