Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I don't know if anybody reads these.. the counter keeps clicking upwards, but nobody comments.. oh well...

Nothing special.. just sitting here thinking.  I've been weeding pictures off my computer lately, to make more disk space.  Amazing how many of the pics are of ME, and my various hairpieces.  It got me to thinking about who I really am and why I obsess on my toupee so much.  I guess, looking at these pictures, its partly because there is no me without my toupee.  I may have one or two pics of me without it on, but basically, who I am is, "the guy in the bad rug".  I am never seen without it, and since, and this becomes blindingly obvious as I pore over these old photos, it is so very spottable, its hard for me to think of anything else.

I am journeying through life alone, and whether that can be blamed on 42 years of bad toupee wearing, or some other flaw, I can't say.  I can say this - if I had it to do over again, it would definitely have been done differently.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wore my toupees from the time I was about 28. Being an actor (sometimes) I needed to wear them in order to get cast as a young man. I got used to wearing them and continued for many years. Then, about 4 years ago when the shaved look started to get popular, I decided to get rid of the toupee and shave my head. Almost everybody thought it looked great. I still shave it, except for the past 2 plays I was in, both set in the '60s. I let my fringe grow out for them and perform as a bald man, to much acclaim. Why don't you give it a try? You should try to think of yourself as more of a person than just a "bad toupee".  Good luck.
